Access Level Management
Lender Hub View - Access Level Options
Below is the pipeline view of the Lender Hub. You can configure this view by access level. Possible configurations are:
User sees all loans.
User only sees Loans within their site (if you have multiple sites).
User only sees loans which are directly assigned to them.
User sees all loans within a loan folder they are assigned to.
In addition to controlling which loans appear in the pipeline, a user can be configured to have read only access to loans.
The "New application" button can be turned on and off for each access level.
The "download CSV" button will download a CSV file of the loan pipeline data. This can be turned on and off for each access level.
On the left menu are five tabs (Pipeline, Exports, User Management, Archive and Reports). The User Management, Reports, Archive and Exports tabs can be individually turned on and off for each access level.
Application File View - Access Level Options
Within an application, the tabs for the overview, available services, borrower documents, loan pricing, team management, and milestones can each be configured to be on or off for each access level.
Within an application, each option in the "three dots" menu can be configured on and off for each access level. These can be configured individually, so the "add a co-borrower" could be removed from the menu while leaving the other options, for example. These options are creating tasks for the borrower, adding a new borrower to the application, downloading a Fannie Mae or Mismo file, or deleting the entire application.
Each option in the "create borrower task" menu can be turned on and off. Note that some of these options require third party integrations, so you may not have all of these options available.
The "update borrower information" menu can be configured on and off for each access level. Note that this is not for changing the information on the physical application, this is used for changing the borrowers information within our system (such as the email address the use to log into their application).
The ability to remove additional borrowers from the application can be turned on and off for each access level.
Team management can be configured on and off for each access level, or can be set so it can be viewed but not updated. This is where a loan officer or team can be assigned to a particular loan file.
If you organize your loans into folders, the folder management tool can be configured on and off for each access level.
The ability to import liabilities from the credit pull to the loan file can be configured on and off for each access level.
The "select" button to select a product within the loan pricing application can be configured on and off for each access level.
User Management View - Access Level Options
The user management tab can be toggled on and off for each access level.
The ability to add a new user can be configured on and off for each access level.
User management can be set to read only, so a user has the ability to view user details, but not edit or save them.
Last updated