February 5, 2025 Release Notes
Software updates and bug fixes for the month of February. Unless specified all updates will be available 2/5 by 9:00 am EST.
Encompass Disclosures e-Sign Updates (Special Release 2/12)
Mortgage Insurance Quotes (In Beta for Optimal Blue & EPPS in Q1)
We're bringing Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) shopping into the Maxwell Point of Sale. If you use Maxwell Loan Pricer Product & Pricing Engine (P&PE) integrations with Optimal Blue or EPPS , your organization can opt-in to get PMI in the Point of Sale. This feature will be available for beta testing in Q1 Arch, Enact, and MGIC. If you would like to be part of the beta testing group please contact help@himaxwell.com to get set up.
Providers Available during Q1 Beta Period
Pricing Engines Available
Optimal Blue
Encompass Pricing (EPPS)
General Availability beginning of Q2
All 6 PMI providers and all of our pricing engine integrations will be supported by end of Q1. To be apart of our general availability launch in the beginning of Q2 please contact help@himaxwell.com. Your organization will need to provide a valid master policy number (lender identifier #) for all PMI providers you work with.
Rate Lock for Optimal Blue (Available for Beta Testing)
For Optimal Blue + Encompass LOS customers, we now support rate locking selected loans.
Bugs & Code Cleanup
Updated User Management for Organizations with Many Sites
We fixed a bug that impacted user management for admins of organizations with many sub organization sites. We fixed the issue so now admins of those organizations can add and edit users roles.
Fixed an issue so lenders can now update or remove additional borrowers when there are more than 2 borrowers added to the loan application. Now by clicking the button X# More borrowers next to the primary borrowers contact information the lender will see a dropdown which allows them to update or remove the addtional borrowers that were added from the LOS.
Fixed a bug where there were two lock period fields in loan pricer
Encompass Disclosures e-Sign Updates (Special Release 2/12)
We've made a few updates to clean up the borrower user experience on disclosure e-Signing process to reduce borrower issue that requires LOs or support teams to assist. These updates will be released on. the morning of Wednesday 2/12.
Updated eDisclosure Borrower Tasks Text to Guide Borrowers
We've updated the task description on eDisclosures to help guide borrowers through common areas of confusion.
Notify that they will be taken into a new tab to sign Disclosure
Inform them that the task will be automatically completed after all participants have signed
Warning that the experience will not work with an incognito/private browser window
We also added clearer instructions on co-borrower eDisclosure tasks. Because a borrower cannot complete this task for their co-borrower, we provide instructions that their co-borrower must login to their own account to review and e-sign disclosures.
Auto-Complete eDisclosures Tasks and Removed "I'm Done Signing Button"
Previously we had an "I'm done signing button" for borrowers to manually close their e-signing tasks. This had two issues.
It relied on borrowers to come back after completing signatures to "complete" the task
Some borrowers were prematurely clicking the "I'm done signing" prior to actually e-signing the documents which would close the task locking them out of being able to open and sign the documents.
To address the issue we've implemented three updates
We removed the I'm Done Signing button.
We are automatically tracking when borrowers have completed signing documents. Once all borrower participants have signed the documents we will mark the tasks as signed and completed.
For borrowers who have completed their signing experience, but we haven't gotten their signing status update to automatically close their task we provided a notification to direct them to complete their next task.
Updated Mobile Tasks Navigation
To encourage borrowers to complete as many tasks as possible in one session we updated the mobile browser borrower tasks navigation. Now whenever a borrower using a mobile device, and is viewing tasks. They will start on the open tasks list, page they will see the entire lists of tasks available.
Previously, the behavior was to open the first incomplete task available for the borrower. With that we observed many borrowers who did not complete that task immediately, closed their browser rather than navigating to the tasks list and see what other tasks they could complete.
With this new navigation, whenever a logs into taks, or completes a tasks they will be returned to the tasks list view so they will see all open tasks that still remain to be completed.
Last updated