
Notifications can be sent via email and SMS. We have a standard set of notifications (email-only by default) that are sent to borrowers at different points in the flow. Notifications are also sent to Lender Hub users.

Notifications are highly configurable - in addition to the messages that are sent out, we can create new types of notifications that go out based on either a user action or internal/external system event. This includes but is not limited to triggers within the flow of the application, events such as a user signing up or uploading a document, or actions performed by the loan officer within the Lender Hub.

Our email notifications are highly customizable, including logos, headers, footers, and signatures. We can also pull information from within the application and include it in the notification, such as the borrowers name, the type of loan, the site associated with the loan, the title of a task, loan officer signature, etc. We can also configure alternate text for situations where the notification is referencing data from the application which has not been entered yet. For example, if the borrower has not entered their name into the application, we could refer to them as "prospective homebuyer", but subsequent notifications generated after they input their name would refer to them by name.

Default Email Notifications

"Account Created" notification for borrowers/co-borrowers.

This notification is triggered when a borrower creates their account from within the Borrower Hub, or when they add a co-borrower to an application.

"Account Created in the Lender Hub" notification for loan officers/lenders.

This notification is triggered when an admin creates a new account for a loan officer/lender.

"A Loan Officer has created an application for you" for borrowers.

This notification is triggered when a loan officer creates an application for the borrower from within the Lender Hub, and selects the option to send an invitation to the borrower.

"An application has been assigned to you" for loan officers.

This notification is triggered when the application is assigned to a loan officer. Application assignment can happen automatically based upon the borrower selecting the loan officer, following an assignment link to the application, or the loan can be manually assigned.

"Application Submitted" notification for borrowers/co-borrowers/loan officers.

This notification is triggered when the application is submitted.

"A borrower has uploaded a document" for loan officers.

This notification is triggered when a borrower completes a document upload task. If the borrower uploads multiple documents, there will still only be one notification as the notification is triggered by the borrower completing the request, not the actual document upload.

"Your Loan Officer has created a task for you" for borrowers.

This notification is triggered when a Loan Officer creates a custom task for the borrower.

"Items needed for your loan file" for borrowers.

This notification is triggered when borrowers have pending tasks with due dates in the system. A reminder will be sent every 48 hours for tasks that still have an associated due date. The reminders will stop after three notifications or once the outstanding tasks are completed.


Notifications can be batched to prevent an excessive amount of emails being sent to Loan Officers. The most common notification to batch is the "A borrower has uploaded a document" notification. Batching notifications will set a 10 minute delay on the first notification, and when the 10 minutes is reached one email will be sent containing all of the notifications. An example is if a borrower uploads three documents in a ten minute timeframe, the Loan Officer would receive one notification instead of three.

Email Examples

"Account Created" notification for borrowers/co-borrowers.

"Account Created in the Lender Hub" notification for loan officers/lenders.

"A Loan Officer has created an application for you" for borrowers.

"An application has been assigned to you" for loan officers.

"Application Submitted" notification for borrowers/co-borrowers/loan officers.

"A borrower has uploaded a document" for loan officers.

"Your Loan Officer has created a task for you" for borrowers.

"Items needed for your loan file" for borrowers.

Last updated