Platform Overview

Main Platform Areas, a.k.a. "Hubs"

The Maxwell platform is uniquely architected to power smart loan origination workflows that bring speed and efficiency to any lending business. Comprised of a series of mobile-friendly web interfaces specially designed for the different types of users typically involved in the lending process (applicants/borrowers, loan officers and other agents), the Platform's intuitive UI/UX delivers the modern, interactive experience all users expect.

But it is really what's "under the hood" that sets our digital transformation engine apart from other solutions in the market. Empowered by a set of no/low-code editors, we can make changes to workflows and business rules rapidly and cost-effectively, without relying on limited and expensive software engineering talent. We can even create new workflows with our clients.

Our platform consists of 3 main web apps:

Borrower Hub

A consumer-facing mobile-first web experience which guides borrowers through a custom flow to complete an application. Depending on the setup, each client may have an unlimited number of parallel experiences, called sites.

Lender Hub

A back office experience to manage the pipeline of applications, communicate with borrowers and utilize integrations with other back office systems, such as Loan Origination Systems (LOS).

Customization Hub

An administration hub to manage the multiple aspects of customization, such blueprints (i.e. consumer flows), UI/UX, integrations with third-party systems, notifications, etc.

The Engines Behind The Hubs

The main advantage of the Maxwell platform is its versatility and level of customization. We have built it from the ground up with the idea that every client is unique and requires their own flow, feel, brand image, and choice of third-party tools and systems with which to integrate.

The engines work behind the scenes to deliver multiple extremely customizable experiences

Each client instance is a Partner with its own set of configurations. Under each Partner, we may have an unlimited number of Sites (Borrower Hubs), offering different consumer experiences. Each Partner has one Lender Hub for managing the pipeline of applications from all Sites.

JSON-based configuration for creating any imaginable consumer facing flow.

Those make the Borrower and Lender Hubs reflect your brand and requirements through imagery, colors, spacing, and language.

Our platform integrates with many third party systems for real-time and asynchronous exchange of data. These systems include Loan Origination Systems (LOS), credit providers, Day1Certainty Providers (assets, income, employment), e-signatures, CRMs, etc.

Sagas are power micro snippets of code, allowing for any set of custom commands to be executed based on certain events. Such events could be a customer completing an action in the Borrower Hub, an agent completing an action in the Lender Hub, or a third-party integration calling a Pushback Endpoint in our system. The custom commands can be sending a notification, pushing data to a third party integration or unlocking tasks for the consumer to complete, among many others.

Pushback endpoints are configurable inbound endpoints on the Maxwell API to run a particular Saga with parameters passed via HTTP Post. They are often used as the receiving end of a third-party system webhook.

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