Lender Hub User Management
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User (Agent)
● A User for the Lender Hub. ● Users are defined at the Client level. ● A User can have access to more than one Site.
Access Level
● The set of rules and permissions that govern what a User can view, create, update, and delete in the Lender Hub. ● During onboarding, we partner with our clients to create a set of Access Levels specific to you that an Admin can select when creating a User or updating an existing User. ● Each User can have one (and only one) Access Level.
● The job function of a User. It is used to determine which Users can work on borrower files and in what capacity (e.g. assigning an LO and a Processor to a Borrower file). ● Each User can have more than one role per site.
● Roles differ from access levels in that they allow flexibility across sites and teams. A senior employee can have admin level access, a senior loan officer role on one site, and an administrative role on another site, for example.
● A set of users assigned to each of the available roles. ● Used for quickly assigning many roles to a borrower file. ● Example: "Jonathan B's Team" may have Jonathan as the LO, Nancy as the Processor and Bob and Jim as the LO Assistants. ● Each site can have an unlimited number of Teams. ● Users can be assigned to multiple Teams, one Team, or no teams.
Begin by entering the personal information of the new user. Note that the only required personal information fields for the first-time setup of the user are the name and email address.
Next, you must select an access level and site assignment for the user. You must also indicate if this user will have a personal agent page on your site. Assigning a role and team are optional at this stage.
Access level: A user must be assigned to an Access Level. Access levels are defined during initial setup, and common access levels are admin and loan officer. Each user can only have one access level.
Sites: A user must be assigned to at least one site.
Roles: Each user can be assigned to more than one role per site. Common roles are loan officer, loan processor, or branch manager.
Team Templates: A user can be assigned to multiple teams, one team, or no team.
Agent profile fields are not required for creating a new user. These fields can be configured to display contact, licensing, and bio information about the user. o information can be omitted or used internally depending on whether the agent has a landing page enabled. Metadata can be used for storing usernames for exporting loans to an LOS, if applicable.
While on the "User Management" page (selected at the left), navigate to the "Roles" tab. Roles are site-specific, so you will be prompted to select which site's roles you would like to manage.
The Roles Management screen will open. Note that the site can be quickly changes via the dropdown on the top left. New roles are created by the "Add a new role" button on the right. The first role created will default to being the primary role of users in the site, but any role can be set as the primary role later. You can also see how many users are assigned to each role.
Upon clicking "Add a new role", you will be prompted to name the role. Common roles are Admin, Loan Officer, Loan Processor, Branch Manager, etc.
By selecting the three dot menu to the right of each role, you can see a full list of all users assigned to this role, as well as edit the role, delete the role, or assign the role to primary.
The team management menu system is nearly identical to the role management menu system. You begin by selecting the "Team Assignment Templates" tab, and then selecting a site.
From there, you can add a new team template by clicking the "Add new team" button on the far right.
The "Add Team Template" menu will open. This menu is populated by a "Name" field, and then a list of all roles for the particular site. The available roles may closely resemble the example below, or could be different based upon how you have configured your roles. Users who have been assigned to each role are available to be selected through a drop-down menu. Clicking "Ok" will save the team template. Each team is required to have one member who is in the "primary" role of your site, generally a loan officer.
The team will now be displayed in the "Team Assignment Templates" page, showing all users assigned to the team and their roles. The team can be edited at any time via the three dot menu on the right.
A link can be provided to borrowers which will automatically assign a new loan to a specific team. This link follows the format "https://(Your Domain)/team/slug". The team slug can be found in the team template page. In the below example, the URL would be "https://(Your Domain)/team/chicago-team". Any borrower who started an app by following that link would create an app automatically assigned to the specified team, removing the need to manually assign a team to the application.
The Access Levels tab is the final tab in the user management screen. Here you can view and assign access levels, as well as see how many users are assigned to each access level. Note that you can not create or delete access levels through the hub. Access levels are defined and created during initial setup, and you must contact Maxwell to have any access levels created or removed.
Users can be viewed or reassigned to different access levels by using the "see users" option in the three dots menu.
This menu will display all users who have that particular access level. As seen above, there are eight users at the "Admin" level. In the case below, the "Underwriter" level has zero.
At the top left, you can navigate through a list of all users on the site. In this example we see that the user "John Doe" is currently a "Loan Officer" and they can easily be switched from "Loan Officer" access to "Underwriter" access by utilizing the "Switch template" button.