Borrower Hub Integration
Based on desired client configuration, borrower data is submitted to PriceMyLoan when the borrower submits their application and the file is pushed to LQB/MeridianLink
After the file is submitted, a pricing task can be added to the Borrower Hub to display pricing to borrower
For clients opting out of an auto-push, the Loan Officer can run pricing in the Lender Hub after the borrower has submitted their application
Borrower information related to pricing will be submitted to PriceMyLoan
If key pricing information is missing from the application, default assumptions are used to obtain pricing
Lender Hub Integration
Pricing information can be reviewed in the Pricing tab
The lender can update data within the Pricing tab to review the affect on pricing
Additional Information
Using this integration, borrowers have the ability to select a loan product and pricing
Available to clients using the LQB/MeridianLink LOS
Last updated