March 5th, 2025 Release Notes


Mortgage Insurance Enhancements

  • We added logic that blocks LOs from requesting Mortgage Insurance quotes if there is not a credit score present in the loan file.

  • We added logic where MI quote requests are only available loan files with a LTV range between of 80% – 97%

SmartFees Tax Questions

We automated the request for supplemental tax questions based on the property location. This could include things like Real Estate Transfer Amount.

There are occasions where a lender needs to export a fresh copy of an Encompass file that already exists in Maxwell. This may be due to disclosure issues or substantial changes in the borrowers on the file (like removing the primary).

Previously, this process required a support desk ticket to break the POS file connection.

We are introducing a new "Unlink from Encompass" button in the Encompass Services tab that allows specially permitted users like Admins and internal support members to break the POS & LOS file connection with a few simple button clicks.

Benefits to Lenders: Instead of relying on Maxwell Support desk your LOs, internal support teams and admins can break the file connection and resolve issues independently with this button.

Feature Enablement: The "Unlink from Encompass" button will be enabled for Admin users in Encompass organizations. If you would like to add users who can use this button please reach out to

Lender Milestone Notifications

We can now configure notifications to be sent to the primary agent or all team members when a lender milestone is updated in the POS.

These notifications can be sent via any combination of:

  • email

  • sms

  • in-app notification

Bugs and Code Cleanup

  • Resolved an issue where Quick Quotes were not returning pricing results for Cash-Out Refinances for Optimal Blue.

  • Resolved an issue where task completion activities were not displaying in the activity logs.

  • Resolved a caching issue with the Byte API to allow more than 5 requests to happen within 5 minutes of each other.

Last updated