August 7, 2024 Release Notes

Review new features and bug fixes from our July release.​​ ​​


Credit Integration - Xactus Credit Integration

We are excited to announce the integration of Xactus, a Credit Reporting Agency (CRA), into the Maxwell POS system. This enhancement allows lenders using Xactus as their CRA to access credit reports seamlessly and directly through the POS system.

The integration provides the following functionalities:

  • Credit Report Retrieval: Ability to request and retrieve soft and hard credit reports. Capability to retrieve credit information for individual and joint borrowers.

  • Automated Borrower Application Flow: Integration into the borrower loan application process for automated credit reporting.

  • Results Display for Lenders and Borrowers: Display of credit reporting results and liabilities directly within the POS for lender review.

  • Supports Parsing Liabilities Presentation of credit reporting results and liabilities to borrowers for transparency.

  • Data Mapping to LOS: Mapping of credit reporting data, including scores, reference IDs, and liabilities, to the lender's LOS (Loan Origination System).

  • Value to Clients: Support of Xactus CRA within the POS.

  • Leveraging this Feature: Clients should contact us at if they want to have this integration.

Our credit integrations now seamlessly connect with Meridian Link Mortgage. When credit is initiated through our Point of Sale, the PDF results, report identifiers, borrower scores, and median decisioning scores will automatically transfer to Meridian Link Mortgage. This streamlined integration not only reduces manual data entry and potential errors but also speeds up the decision-making process, ensuring that you have accurate and up-to-date information at your fingertips for more efficient loan processing.

Tasks - Simplify the Joint Application Process for Primary and Co-Borrowers

To improve the efficiency and user experience for primary borrowers, we've sleeked the application process for joint applications to make it easier to complete information concurrently for both themselves and their co-borrowers. From now on, all tasks for joint co-borrowers will now mirror those of the primary borrower. This consolidation eliminates the need for frequent context switching, reducing complexity and making the application process more intuitive. The current task grouping for co-borrowers has been removed to align tasks more closely with those of the primary borrower.

  • Value to Clients: These changes are designed to simplify the joint application process, reduce the time required to complete applications, and enhance the overall user experience by minimizing the need for context switching and enhancing task management.

  • Leveraging this Feature: This will now be the default behavior of our system.

Pre-Qualification Letters - Add Auto-Save and Limit Realtor Access

Following the release of the Mortgage Insurance Field, we have implemented several updates to address client feedback. The key updates:

  1. The MI field input, contingency, and custom message will now auto-save. Previously, users were required to select "Preview" or "Generate" to save these values.

  2. Access for realtors to edit the MI field value has been restricted. This change is based on feedback to limit unauthorized modifications.

  3. The "Change Loan Product" option has been moved below the "Loan Summary" section, specifically under "Loan Type," for better user flow and accessibility.

  • Value to Clients: Users will benefit from a more simplified process for saving changes and enhanced control over MI field access, improving usability and security within the application.

Disclosures Improvements - Improved Borrower Redirection

To smooth the borrower experience and eliminate confusion, we have updated the login process for borrowers added via disclosure or reconciliation.

Borrowers added to the Point of Sale (POS) system by disclosure or reconciliation will now be directly directed to the "Follow Up Tasks" page upon login. This update removes unnecessary steps and confusion by bypassing the "Start Your Application" page, which previously required borrowers to click through "Start Application" to access their disclosure tasks.

Previous view:

If a borrower is added after an application has already been initiated by disclosure, they will be redirected to the "Follow Up Tasks" page rather than the application task page upon account creation and subsequent logins.

Updated view:

  • Value to Clients: These changes improve borrower navigation by eliminating unnecessary steps and reducing confusion, ensuring that borrowers are directed straight to their relevant tasks for a smoother experience.

  • Leveraging this Feature: This will now be the default behavior of our system for all Encompass eDisclosure clients.

Disclosures Improvements - Update to Disclosure Task Title Reflecting in Notifications

We’ve updated the task title in the eDisclosure emails to improve borrower experience and reduce confusion. The task title has been changed from "Sign Disclosures" to simply "Disclosures", making it clearer that the disclosures tasks are ready whether they are to view or sign.

  • Value to Clients: Improve clarification and overall user experience.

  • Leveraging this Feature: This will be enabled for all Encompass eDisclosure clients.

UI Improvements - Upload Component

We’ve made several UI improvements to the upload component to enhance user experience and address specific issues reported by users.

Fixes and Enhancements:

  1. Remove Button Adjustments: Previously, the "remove" button was covering the description of uploaded files. We moved the remove button, the button text has been capitalized to "Remove" and a remove icon has been added for better clarity.

  2. File Title Improvements: The file titles lacked a link to preview the uploaded file. The title now serves as a link, allowing users to preview the uploaded file directly.

  3. Container and Icon Updates: The background color of the file container changed on hover, and the icon for upload was not consistent. We changed the file container to use a new styling. Updated the large icon from a document to an upload icon for consistency and clarity. We also, removed the hover background color change.

  4. Upload Area Visibility: Users reported a cumbersome experience when uploading long lists of documents, requiring excessive scrolling. From now on, new files are added to the top of the upload list to keep the upload area in view at all times.

Bug Fixes

  • Added validation to ensure that state names are stored as abbreviated codes (e.g., "TX" instead of "Texas") to comply with MISMO specifications. This change applies to all address fields, including current, previous, subject property, employer, and other real estate addresses, to prevent errors in XML exports.

  • Updated the default Encompass scripts for certain clients to ensure that notifications are sent to co-borrowers with existing accounts when a loan file is exported to the POS.

  • Addressed byte push errors for some loans. The issue was an "undefined method `code'" error triggered by specific error codes ('PLP0002' and 'PLP0003').

  • An issue related to the CoreLogic Credco certificate change was resolved.

  • Addressed an issue where borrowers were unable to proceed with eConsent in Consumer Connect eDisclosure iframe to help test alignment on certain small devices. This resulted in a rollback of the recent disclosure help test release. The help text placement was reworked to fix the previous issue.

Last updated