Oct 10th New Feature: Task Due Dates & Notifications

Special Feature Release coming October 10th

New Feature Tasks Due Dates and Notifications

We’re thrilled to announce a new feature launching on October 10th that will increase borrower task completion rates and decrease the time and effort it takes for your teams to receive documents and complete tasks.

We're adding a due dates feature for tasks which will prompt automated email notifications to remind borrowers when they have tasks due or overdue based on the set due date.

How it Works

Default Due Dates

All tasks will have a default due date assigned upon creation of the task. This applies to both Automated "SmartTasks" created from your Blueprint as well as new tasks that you manually create for your borrowers.

SmartTasks (Blueprint Tasks): We’ve added default due date options to the Blueprint for all tasks triggered by application responses (we call these automated tasks SmartTasks).

Follow-up Tasks (Custom Tasks): When adding a new task, a default due date will be automatically assigned. However, lenders have the option to modify this due date before sending the task to the borrower(s).

Borrower View of Due Dates with Color-Coded Cues

Borrowers will now see due dates attached to each of their tasks where due dates are assigned. The tasks are sorted in order by due date. The tasks have three color statuses:

  • Red: Overdue Task

  • Yellow: Due Today

  • Gray: Due at a future date

Borrower Email Notification Summaries

24 hours before a task's due date, borrowers will receive an automated email summary notification containing the list of incomplete tasks. This list will contain color-coded status indicators of "due today" and "overdue", making it easier for borrowers and lenders to keep track of task deadlines.

These automated reminders will reduce the need for manual follow-ups and increase timely task completion rates.

Borrowers will receive up to three email reminders for their tasks. After the third reminder, no additional automatic notifications will be sent.

Lender View of Due Dates & Completing Tasks

Lenders also have visibility to task due dates and statuses in their view of the Borrower Tasks tab of the lender hub. Tasks are sorted by due date so you can prioritize which tasks to review and complete with borrowers.

Modifying Due Dates

Lenders have the flexibility to adjust these due dates individually through the lender portal, allowing you to shorten or extend deadlines as needed. To modify a due date click on the edit pencil on a task and select a new date from the calendar dropdown.

Completing Tasks

NOTE: Lenders will need to review and complete tasks submitted by borrowers. If a task isn't marked as completed borrowers will continue to receive task overdue notifications for up to 3 reminders.

Organization Default Due Date Settings

Your organization can modify default dues date settings based on your preferences.

NOTE: Our standard default due dates for all tasks will be 3 days after task creation, but your organization can choose to make the time longer or shorter based on your preferences.

You can modify default settings for all tasks or configure this for individual task types in your blueprint.

Example: If you want paystubs uploaded within 2 days, but for bank statements you prefer to allow 5 days that's a setting your organization can configure.

To Modify Settings: To adjust your default organization settings have an admin reach out to help@himaxwell.com

Opting Out of Due Dates

Your organization can opt out of default due dates if desired. However, if no due date is assigned to a task, borrowers will not receive automated follow-up notifications for due or overdue tasks.

When default due dates are turned off Loan Officers can still manually assign due dates as needed which will trigger borrower notifications on those tasks.

Tasks Due Dates & Notifications Live October 10th

This new feature will be turned on for your organization on October 10th with the following settings

  • Default tasks due dates 3 days after task creation for all tasks

  • Default notifications up to 3 reminder emails per task for borrowers

If you want to modify your default settings or go-live date, please contact help@himaxwell.com

We're very excited to deliver this feature that will improve the speed and completion rates of tasks assigned to borrowers, which will lead to higher pull-through rates for your teams.

Last updated