September 4, 2024 Release Notes

Review new features and bug fixes from our September release.​​ ​​


New Credit Integration Partners Credit

We are excited to announce the integration of Partners Credit, a Credit Reporting Agency (CRA), into the Maxwell POS system. This enhancement allows lenders using Partners Credit as their CRA to pull credit reports and review the results directly from the POS.

The integration provides the following functionalities:

  • Credit Report Retrieval: Ability to request and retrieve soft and hard credit reports. Capability to retrieve credit information for individual and joint borrowers.

  • Automated Borrower Application Flow: Integration into the borrower loan application process for automated credit reporting.

  • Results Display for Lenders and Borrowers: Display of credit reporting results and liabilities directly within the POS for lender review.

  • Show Liabilities: Presentation of credit reporting results and liabilities to borrowers for transparency.

  • Data Mapping to LOS: Mapping of credit reporting data, including scores, reference IDs, and liabilities, to the lender's LOS (Loan Origination System).

Encompass Disclosures Improvements

We made several improvements to the disclosures to make it easier for borrowers to sign their disclosures and easier for Lenders to track the progress of their borrowers' disclosure signatures within the point of sale.

Borrowers added from Encompass at the time of disclosures are directed straight to the eDisclosure task

Borrowers added to the loan file from Encompass and issued a disclosure task receive an email notifying them that they have been added to the loan file and have an eDisclosure task to sign. Now, when the borrower clicks on the link they will be directed straight to the disclosure task with a button directing them to review and sign documents.

Previously, the borrower would be directed to a "Start Application" screen. This was confusing because in most cases they did not have a loan application to complete.

Auto-complete eDisclosure tasks when all borrowers have signed disclosures

After we've received all required borrower(s) signatures on an eDisclosure task we will automatically complete the task for the borrower which will reflect in the lender view. Borrowers no longer have to click a button to indicate they've completed the task and Lenders will no longer have to follow up after them to complete on their behalf.

The exception to this rule is if a borrower was issued only an informational or wet signature disclosure. In those cases, a borrower or a lender will need to click the button to indicate they have completed the disclosure task.

Value to Clients: Borrowers and Lenders will no longer have to indicate eDisclosure tasks are complete manually and lenders gain visibility to document signatures within an hour of completion. This will also trigger an email notification to the lender.

Leveraging this Feature: To use this feature your organization will need to enable "eDelivery Push" feature within your Encompass instance settings. Please contact your Encompass Admin to ensure this webhook is turned on to leverage these automatic updates in your POS experience.

Lender Notifications on eSign or eDisclosure Task Completions

After a borrower has completed any eSign (custom signable document task) or eDisclosure task the lender will receive an email notifying them a document has been signed and direct the lender to view the task.

Lender Document Tab Updates

We made improvements to the documents tab to streamline your workflow and boost the efficiency of document review and management.

  • Unified Document Management Table: We’ve streamlined the process by combining the separate borrower and lender upload screens into a single, comprehensive table. This means you can now view and manage all uploaded documents in one convenient location.

  • Track Which User Uploaded: To make tracking and collaboration easier, you’ll now be able to see who uploaded each document. This feature ensures greater transparency and accountability in document management.

  • More Control of Document Upload Associations: Lenders now have more control over how they tag documents they upload to a loan file.

    • Select which borrower the upload is associated with

    • If the document is not associated with a specific borrower select No borrower

    • Select if the document is associated with a specific task

  • Push to LOS directly from the Documents Tab: Now while reviewing documents in the Documents Tab Lenders can push documents to the LOS. Previously, you needed to navigate to the LOS screen in the services tab to push documents manually, so this offers a more streamlined experience to review and push to the LOS all in one location.

    • Both individual and bulk document pushes are available.

    • Note: If your organization setting automatically syncs documents to the LOS on document upload, that setting will not be impacted by this update.

Bugs Fixes & Code Cleanup

  • Updated language from LendingQB to Meridian Link Mortgage.

  • Change the default "From" name and address in email notifications from Revvin to Maxwell if no site email is specified.

  • Fixed an issue where MFA was not working on Safari private browsing

  • Fixed an issue where loan files with more than 2 borrowers could not get imported from Encompass into the POS. We now look for borrowers 1 & 2 or borrowers 1 & 3 and import their data so the file can be opened in the POS.

  • Various other UX updates and code patches.

Last updated